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New Fongo Initiative Shifts the Balance of Power to Canadian Mobile Phone Consumers

Fongo Faces™ gives Canadians greater choice and control of their mobile phone identities #SaveYourself

WATERLOO, ONTARIO, May 7, 2013 - Fongo Inc., Canada's fastest growing mobile telecommunications company, today announced Fongo Faces, the latest initiative in its quest to give Canadians greater choice and control of their mobile phone service experience.

The Fongo story started with #SaveYourMoney and the launch of Dell Voice, which taught Canadians they no longer have to pay for calling, texting and other mobile phone services. Fongo's acquisition offer for the mobile wireless assets of WIND Mobile told the #SaveYourFreedom story, highlighting it's no longer necessary to sign long-term expensive voice minute contracts because mobile data is all you need. This latest chapter, #SaveYourself, moves Canadians farther away from the influence of the big three Canadian wireless carriers by giving them greater choice and control of their mobile phone identities.

"We've been programmed as Canadians to believe we can choose from only three telecom companies - the blue team, the red team or the green team - and these companies control so much of what we see and do on a daily basis," said Dave Bullock, president of Fongo Inc. "Millions of Canadians are stuck in expensive contracts with their wireless carriers but that doesn't mean their carriers should control what they see and feel each time they use their phones."

With Fongo Faces, people can choose which team they want to play for - their favourite charity, movement, band, university, or sports team - or they can build their own Fongo Face in about 10 minutes. Fongo Faces are easily customized with graphics, social feeds, ads and links to enable users to choose what they see each time they place a call, send a text, or check their voicemail.

Companies, teams, charities, brands, artists, schools, families - literally anyone - can build a Fongo Face to connect with their community more frequently and in a more meaningful way. For free. "We're all different people with different identities. Why shouldn't our phones be extensions of who we are and what we care about?" said Bullock.

Fongo Faces come with Fongo's portfolio of free mobile phone services, already used by hundreds of thousands of Canadians. These free services include texting, local and long distance calling across Canada, visual voicemail, caller ID, call waiting, and call forwarding. Earlier this month, Fongo added free conference calling and Fongo Places, a directory and mapping service powered by Yellow Pages™, to its menu of services.

Anyone who builds a Fongo Face can share these gifts with their community. For free.

For more information about Fongo Faces, visit:

Image with caption: "Fongo Faces - Discover your mobile phone identity" available at:

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